Semester in LA

对于寻求独特而全面的海外学习经历的国际学生来说,洛杉矶学期(SiLA)课程是一个很好的选择. Study with award-winning faculty at Cal State LA for one or two semesters; earn credits and apply them toward graduation back home.

At the same time, immerse yourself in everything Los Angeles. 当你在这里的时候, 漫步在阳光明媚的海滩上, 在蜿蜒的山路上徒步旅行, 这家店位于比佛利山庄著名的罗迪欧大道上, 参观电影的诞生地好莱坞.

Join us at Cal State LA in the heart of the world’s entertainment and creative capital... 洛杉矶,加利福尼亚!

SiLA Highlights

  • 足彩外围网站提供超过3个,000 class sections each semester in more than 80 different academic fields. 在足彩外围网站的学生注册后,这些课程中有一些有额外的空间.
  • Semester in LA allows international students to take advantage of these extra spaces. 课程由足彩外围网站的教师授课,国际学生将有机会与美国学生一起上课,这取决于空间.
  • 有关课程介绍,请浏览网页
  • 学生必须注册至少一门 本科阶段12个单元 courses or 所有研究生阶段的9个单元 courses.
  • Please note that SiLA cannot guarantee participation in specific university courses. 学生报名参加一个班 可用空间的基础上.
  • 获得的学分列在足彩外围网站的官方成绩单上,并且可以转移到其他大学.
  • Academic, immigration, and housing advisors are available.


For more information on Semester in LA, please contact (323) 343-4845 or (电子邮件保护).


Studying at Cal State LA has many benefits, including:

  • Study on a renowned university campus alongside a diverse group of 28,000 students
  • 访问足彩外围网站的课程
  • 接受足彩外围网站教师的指导
  • 计算机实验室和Wi-Fi遍布校园
  • Official Cal State LA transcript upon completion of studies
  • 使用学生健康中心
  • 可选的校内住宿
  • Discounted bus fares with Cal State LA student ID card
  • 使用学生健身中心


  • 申请费:200美元(不可退还) 
    • The fee is due at the time you submit your application. 请在付款前与您的家庭校园协调员或代理查询详细信息.
  • Semester in LA (SILA) program cost for one semester: US $6,375.
    • 课程费用如有变动,恕不另行通知. 项目费用不包括申请费、住宿费、书本费和用品费. 


  • 如果学生向国际学生办公室提交取消申请并获得批准,则有资格获得全额课程费用退款 在开学第一天之前.
  • 如果取消退款请求被提交 开学第一天之后, it will be subject to a prorated refund, and approval is not guaranteed.


  • 秋季学期:五月三十日
  • 春季学期:十月三十日

Semester Dates



  1. Online Application: Complete all information on the 网上申请表格.
  2. Passport Information: A copy of the biographic data page with your photograph, name, date, 出生地点.
  3. 金融认证:
    • Provide a financial document showing at least US $17,504
      • The fees include the total program cost, estimated living expenses, books & 一个学期的学习用品.
      • The total program cost for the SILA program is US $6,375.
      • 未来的F-1学生必须有在美国生活和学习的经济资源.
      • 在签发I-20表格之前,我们的办公室必须收集学生经济能力的证据.
      • You can submit the financial documents under your own or financial sponsor account.
      • 成本是近似值,可能因个人偏好和情况而异,并可能发生变化.
    • 提交一份或多份在最近六个月内签发的下列文件:
      • 财务申报及证明 Form; or
      • Personal bank statement; or
      • Sponsor's bank statement (must include with the Affidavit of Support Form); or
      • Scholarship, loan/grant letter, or government financial guarantee 
  4. 提交成绩单:当前成绩单的英文翻译件.
  5. 提交你的英语水平分数.
    • For admission, 学生必须提供最近两年内的英语水平考试成绩;
      • Duolingo English Test (DET): 95 (undergrad); 105 (grad)
      • International English Language Testing System (IELTS): Band 5.5 (undergrad); Band 6.0 (grad)
      • Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic: 44 (undergrad); 53 (grad)
      • Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL): 61iBT (undergrad); 80iBT (grad)
    • 如果你通过代理机构或合作大学申请足彩外围网站,你可能会遇到英语
    •  Proficiency requirement that's in the partnership agreement. Check with your agent or home campus coordinator for details.
  6. Submit the Course Wish List approved by your home institution to take at Cal State LA. The Course Wish List indicates what classes you plan to take at Cal State LA.
    • 实际的注册取决于a 可用空间的基础上 with the consent of the instructor 以及学术部门. SILA students usually enroll at the beginning of the semester and do not 接收优先级注册.
    • Identify 10个试探性课程 你想学习并把它们按顺序排列(e).g.(“1”是你最想要的课程).
    • Have your home institution approve each course for transfer credit.
    • At Cal State LA, most courses are 3 units, and some courses are 1-unit or 2-units.
    • You must enroll in a total of 12 units or more to maintain full-time status.
    • 如果新的课程表还没有公布, you can view the class schedule in the previous semester under the SAME TERM.
  7. 申请费:如果你的学校有SILA项目,你可以不支付申请费 与足彩外围网站的合作协议.
    • Please check with your home campus coordinator for details.
    • For students who apply through an agent or individual applicant, 你需要支付申请费.
          如有查询,请 contact SILA项目协调员Christina Wong.

  • 足彩外围网站实行15周的学期制. 两个学期相当于一学年. 学生必须注册至少12个单元. 两个学期相当于一学年. 国际学生必须注册至少12个单元的本科课程或9个单元的所有研究生课程.

  • Students may be enrolled in the program for a maximum of 2 semesters. 学生可以在上课的第一天在学期洛杉矶项目工作人员的帮助下开始注册课程.  Registration for each class is subject to seat availability, and the approval of the instructor and the department chair concerned. 批准注册课程须符合课程要求/先决条件和其他条件. 以下课程目前不面向学生开放:儿童发展, Criminal Justice, Nursing, Psychology, and Social Work.

  • Semester in LA students are required to maintain good academic standing, which is defined as a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 (letter grade C) in order to continue to the next semester. 所有参与者必须遵守洛杉矶学期制定的所有规章制度和政策. 此外,学生必须每学期注册并保持全日制(12个学分)的学习. 不遵守这些要求可能会导致您的学生签证身份和/或您在洛杉矶课程学期的参与违规, leading to the immediate termination of your participation in the program.

  • 洛杉矶学期课程不适合希望将来申请加州州立大学洛杉矶学位课程的学生.

Semester in LA

Fall  |  Spring


12 units


Program Fee* $ 6,375
生活费用* * $ 10,199
Books/Supplies** $ 930
Total $ 17,504
*The application fee is $200 and is not included in the program fee. 如果你的学校与足彩外围网站有SILA项目的合作协议,申请费可能会被免除. Please check with your home campus coordinator for details.
**Denotes estimated expenses and are subject to personal spending habits. 学生需支付6,375美元的SILA项目费用.
  1. 学费(估计为12个单元的课程)
  2. 强制性学生服务费用包括:
  • 美国医疗保险(不允许替代)
  • 校园学生健康中心
  • University Student Union for recreation and fitness center
  • Orientation
  • 信息发布会和其他社交活动
  • 认可结业证书
  • 项目管理费

洛杉矶所有学期的学生都必须在你所在国家的美国大使馆或领事馆申请F-1国际学生非移民签证. 如果被这个项目录取, 你将收到录取通知书和I-20表格(非移民学生身份资格证书)。. The I-20 allows you to apply for an F-1 student visa at the U.S. 大使馆或领事馆. 签证的发放由美国政府酌情决定. S. 国务院. F-1学生签证有很多责任和限制(全日制入学), 就业限制, etc.) and participants are expected to abide by all federal regulations.

在你获得F-1签证之前不打算离开你的居住国. I-20可以让你进入美国 不早于30天 before the start date of the program indicated on the I-20 form. 请仔细阅读“欢迎信”上的说明,欢迎信将与I-20一起寄给您. It will contain details on applying for the F-1 visa as well as paying the SEVIS fee.


STEP 1: Our staff will prepare and send you the immigration documents

  • 如果您的申请中有任何问题或信息缺失,我们将与您联系. 确保在申请中包含一个可靠的电子邮件地址,并使用相同的电子邮件地址进行通信. Email is the primary form of contact at Cal State LA.
  • 从我们拿到所有必要的文件开始,这个过程通常需要两(2)周. For F-1 students, the electronic Form I-20 will be sent to you through email. 

STEP 2:获得F-1学生签证

  • 网上缴付SEVIS费用: The U.S. 国土安全部要求所有F级学生在学生交流访问者信息服务(SEVIS)数据库中注册. Print your receipt to take with you to your Embassy appointment; it is required in order for you to get a student visa.
  • 与美国律师约个时间.S. Embassy. You should bring the following documents to your appointment:
    • 足彩外围网站的I-20表格;
    • An original bank statement or Certification of Financial Support with bank seal;
    • 赞助表格,如果你将使用赞助商;
    • If you have a sponsor, they also must sign the Certification of Financial Support;
    • Your passport;
    • SEVIS费用收据,见上文;
    • 在洛杉矶学习的项目信息和欢迎信.

STEP 3你的签证已经签发了

一旦你的签证被签发, 你可以准备在你申请的学期来美国学习. 在来美国之前.S.,你必须做到以下几点:

  • 安排住宿和交通
  • COVID-19疫苗接种证明/文件
  • 去看你的私人医生,让他/她填写医疗表格,以确保你有最新的免疫接种.
  • Materials needed at check-in at the International Office include:
    • Your passport
    • 你的I-20表格原件
    • Form I-94
    • Payment receipts for the Semester in LA tuition and fees  

For Semester in LA program students, you have the option to apply for on-campus 或者校外住房. 我们有一些信息和资源来帮助你找到最适合你在洛杉矶学习的住宿. 如果您有任何住房咨询,请 email SILA Program Coordinator Christina Wong or call +1 323 343 4845.


有关校园住宿的信息,请访问 住房和居住生活网站. Space is limited, so we recommend applying as early as possible!


View/download SILA校外住房资源传单. Here you will find a comprehensive listing of nearby housing areas; types of housing; a list of apartment search websites; hotels; and information; tips on renting an apartment; as well as transportation information

浏览/下载新入学学生资料表格 here.

View/download the SILA Affidavit of Financial Support here.

View/download the SILA 财务申报及证明 form here.

View/download SILA校外住房资源传单 here.

查看/下载SILA课程愿望清单 here.

有关SILA计划的更多信息,请 email SILA Program Coordinator Christina Wong or call +1 323 343 4845.