
安全提示: Keep your laptop, tablet and/or smartphone in your possession at all times.

Here are some rules that we recommend following to take care of your devices

Your devices are equally or more valuable than your wallet or purse, 你不会想让它无人看管吧. 你的笔记本电脑, 平板电脑或智能手机可能包含密码, 接入码, and auto-login scripts to your own or university accounts. Loss of your device’s contents may cost you or the university much more than its retail value if your identity and 保密个人和/或 专有的 information is stolen, or if our campus computing resources are breached. 同样重要的是, your device case may contain other important information and storage devices, such as cell phone; cds; dvds; 个人 information (e.g., Social Security Number); other passwords, 个人 identification numbers (PINs), and 接入码. In the wrong hands, access to all this information could be devastating to you and/or the university. If thieves do not find the identity information they are seeking, they will most likely discard or sell the device, continuing its vulnerability to unauthorized access.

Apply a marking to your device that will distinguish it from others (e.g.(油漆、贴花或蚀刻).


[注:如果这是大学设备, obtain permission from your department to apply a professional looking marking. If the device is leased or financed, it cannot be marked in any way.]

Do not leave your device on your chair, a table, shelf, car seat, store counter, restaurant table. 当坐在公共汽车上, 飞机, 出租车, 或火车, 或餐馆, 不要离开你的笔记本电脑, 把平板电脑或智能手机放在你旁边或后面的座位上. 把它放在膝盖上或两脚之间的地板上. 还记得, 考虑你的笔记本电脑, tablet or smartphone like your wallet or purse – don’t leave it unattended for any reason. 否则当你回来的时候它可能已经不在了! If you must set your device down, put it in front of you between your feet. 永远不要把它放在视线之外. If you can’t have the device in your possession, lock it in a safe place until your return.

你要对你的设备负责. No one else will have the same appreciation or responsibility for safeguarding it as you do.

Thieves are on the lookout from standard carrying cases.  Therefore, store your device in a case that doesn’t look like a typical one. Use an old book bag or ordinary luggage – something that is inconspicuous. Do not use a case with your device’s, company’s, or institution’s name or logo on it. Do not use luggage tags where your name and address or company’s name and address are visible. If you must use a luggage tag, use one with a flap that covers up your identifying information.

如果你把笔记本电脑或平板电脑放在身后, thieves can unzip or unbuckle the case and take off with your device before you realize it’s gone.

Never leave your laptop, tablet or smartphone visible in your car. 任何时候都不要让人看见它. Make sure no one is watching as you lock your laptop, tablet or smartphone in the trunk. Be careful not to lock your equipment in your car on extremely hot or cold days. 开车时, keep your laptop or tablet on the floor – not on a seat where it could fall to the floor if you make a sudden stop, or where someone could easily smash a window and grab it while you are stopped at a light. 永远记得把车锁上! Never leave your device in an unlocked car, even if it is in your own garage or driveway. Consider using a device or safe that makes stealing a laptop, tablet or smartphone more difficult.

Because of relatively easy access, the office is a high risk location for theft. Even if your laptop is in a docking port, secure it to your desk with a separate 笔记本电脑电缆 锁定装置,最好是带报警器的. When you are finished using your laptop or tablet for the day, 把它锁在文件柜或抽屉里. Take care that only authorized persons have access to your work area – and keep unauthorized persons out.

不放笔记本电脑, tablet or smartphone where thieves can easily break a window and take off with your computer.

不放笔记本电脑 or tablet where it could fall or be run over.

Never use your laptop or tablet immediately after bringing it in from a cold car to a warm room. Allow your computer to warm up to room temperature for several minutes before using it to avoid condensation on metal parts.