
员工归属感工作小组, 社区, and 多样性 has developed the below resources as a complement to its programming and events.


Anti-Blackness: 指最小化的行动或行为, 使处于社会边缘, or devalue the full participation of Black people in life (在UCI).

归属: The feeling of security and support when there is a sense of acceptance, 包容, 以及某个群体成员的身份. It is when an individual can bring their authentic self to work. When employees feel like they don’t belong at work, their performance and their personal lives suffer. Creating genuine feelings of belonging for all is a critical factor in improving engagement and performance (康奈尔大学).

校园环境: Includes the experience of individuals and groups on a campus—and the quality and extent of the interaction between those various groups and individuals.

文化谦虚: Cultural humility is a process of self-reflection and discovery in order to build honest and trustworthy relationships. It offers promise for researchers to understand and eliminate health disparities, a continual and disturbing problem necessitating attention and action on many levels. (从 Cultural humility: Essential foundation for clinical researchers凯瑟琳·A. 耶格尔和苏珊·鲍尔-吴).

授权: To empower someone means to give them the means to achieve something, 例如, 变得更强大或更成功(选自柯林斯词典). 黑色的赋权 is a policy that aims to give Black people the chance to earn more money, own more property, etc., and have a greater role in the economy than they did before (从 Oxford Learner's Dictionaries).

交集: Intersectionality theory calls scholars to attend to the unequal power relations that underlie social categories, 比如种族, class, 和性别, and to move beyond treating them merely as demographic variables (Caldwell, 格思里, & 杰克逊,2006).

Microaggressions: 微冒犯是日常用语, 非语言的, 对环境的漠视, 的怠慢, 或侮辱, 无论是有意还是无意, 传达敌意, 贬义的, or negative messages to target persons based solely upon their 使处于社会边缘d group membership (从 课堂上的多样性加州大学洛杉矶分校 & 教师发展,2014).

不: Othering is a phenomenon in which some individuals or groups are defined and labeled as not fitting in within the norms of a social group.

特权: 指一定的社会优势, 好处, or degrees of prestige and respect that an individual has by virtue of belonging to certain social identity groups. 在美国和其他西方社会, these privileged social identities—of people who have historically occupied positions of dominance over others—include whites, 男性, 异性恋者, 基督徒, 富人, 其中(来自莱德大学).

种族主义(1): Racism takes many forms and can happen in many places. 它包含偏见, 歧视, or hatred directed at someone because of their color, 种族, 或者国籍. Racism is more than just words, beliefs, and actions. It includes all the barriers that prevent people from enjoying dignity and equality because of their race (来自澳大利亚人权委员会).

种族主义(2): Racism is different from racial prejudice, hatred, or 歧视. 种族主义是当一个群体的权力精英, 白人群体, has the power to carry out systematic 歧视 through the institutional policies and practices of the society while shaping the cultural beliefs and values that support those racist policies and practices (从拆除种族主义).

Racelighting: The process whereby people of color question their own thoughts and actions due to systematically delivered racialized messages that make them second guess their own lived experience with racism (Dr. J. Luke Wood as referenced at Juneteenth symposium). Example: “Racelight the community by telling them there is a commitment to them greater than there really is.”

The following context/terms are from the University of Southern California, Center for Urban Education Rossier School of Education. 版权2017.

内化种族主义 describes the private racial beliefs held by and within individuals. The way we absorb social messages about race and adopt them as personal beliefs, 偏见, and prejudices are all within the realm of internalized racism. 对于有色人种来说, internalized oppression can involve believing negative messages about oneself or one’s racial group. 对于白人来说, internalized privilege can involve feeling a sense of superiority and entitlement or holding negative beliefs about people of color.

人与人之间的种族歧视 is how our private beliefs about race become public when we interact with others. When we act upon our prejudices or unconscious bias—whether intentionally, 明显, 口头上, 不管是不是——我们都陷入了人际种族主义. 人与人之间的种族歧视 also can be willful and overt, 以偏执的形式, 仇恨言论, 或者种族暴力.

制度种族主义 is racial inequity within institutions and systems of power, 比如工作场所, 政府机构, 以及社会服务. It can take the form of unfair policies and practices, 歧视性待遇, 以及不公平的机会和结果. A school system that concentrates people of color in the most overcrowded and under-resourced schools with the least qualified teachers compared to the educational opportunities of white students is an example of institutional racism.
