
"Fundament所有y, I believe every human being has the right to an education.——萨拉·布莱克教授


与参与办公室合作, Service 和 公共利益 和 College of Professional and Global Education (PaGE), the department has offered a BA completion program at California State Prison—Los Angeles County (虫胶), 自2016年以来, 作为加州州立大学洛杉矶B监狱的一部分.A. 毕业后计划.   The COMM BA was the first in-person bachelor’s degree completion program for incarcerated students in California and until 2021 was the only BA in Communication offered to these students in the nation.  Our commitment to bring higher education to justice-system-impacted individuals is rooted in our mission to transform lives and foster thriving communities, 以及我们参与的价值观, 服务, 公共利益.  学生 in the program are in the Organizational Communication Option.  We offer between 2 and 4 in person classes a term, including in the summer. 在COVID, 面对面的课程转为函授课程, while in the last year we’ve been able to integrate CANVAS into the classes. 自2016年以来,我们已经教授了3个班级.  两个已经毕业,一个正在上课.  

Of the 42 male students enrolled in the program’s first two cohorts at 虫胶是一所最高安全级别的男子监狱,距离学校90英里, 36 students have received their Bachelor of 艺术s in 沟通研究. 那些已经毕业的人, 24 completed their entire bachelor’s degrees while in prison and participated in a commencement ceremony held at 虫胶.

Fourteen students from our first two cohorts have been released from 虫胶 and 所有 转到足彩外围网站完成学业.  To date, ten of the fourteen have graduated and walked the stage at our campus commencement ceremony. It is noteworthy that seven of the nine paroled graduates were released after having their life sentences commuted, 部分原因是他们参与了这个项目.

目前, five of our paroled graduates are pursuing graduate degrees at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 and in May 2022, our first student received his Master of 艺术s in 沟通研究.  In May 2023, our second student received in MA in 沟通研究. 

2021年8月,我们开始了 第三组有20名学生.  More than 100 incarcerated students in California who completed their AA degrees applied to be a part of this cohort.  第三批学生将于2024年夏季毕业.  

足彩外围网站继续与CDCR的外部合作伙伴合作, 虫胶, 加州社区学院基金会, 众多社区大学项目, 和 Educational Coordinators at other carceral institutions across the State to develop a more effective and streamlined system to matriculate new students into future cohorts at 虫胶.  Recognizing that recruitment and matriculation takes a considerable amount of time, we have begun the process of working with 虫胶 to identify students for 第四届,他们将于2023年秋季开始上课. 

除了上课, students in the BA are encouraged to share their work publicly through the 沟通研究 department journal, 谈话,以及通过出版和公共活动 WordsUncaged.  在这些课外活动中, students are encouraged to participate in meaningful public humanities practices.

教师 who teach in the program go through an extensive training program, 这是由dr. Bidhan Roy和Kamran Afary.  We have trained 15 教师 from 沟通研究, during this period.  One of the things that we have seen since the inception of the Prison B.A. 毕业后计划 is how education has transformed how our students see themselves as human beings. This process of education as transformation has not happened by accident.  All of our 教师 who teach in the prison are trained in developing courses that attend to Fink’s taxonomy of significant learning and mentored to design signature assignments that utilize the humanities to promote deep learning.  这种培训和教学也改变了我们的师资队伍. 

The program’s proven success – the degree attainment of 36 students to date – has been a wonderful outreach and recruitment strategy.  Incarcerated men throughout California who have completed their AA degrees are requesting to be transferred to 虫胶, in the hopes that they are admitted to our COMM BA Completion Program. 甚至有人会到我们部门办公室来, 询问他们怎样才能把一个亲戚转到虫胶.  Our program has been so successful that a second 加州大学洛杉矶分校 BA Completion Program in 自由研究 has been launched at CIW (California Institution for Women) in Chino. We have also become the model for other Prison BA Programs being developed across the state.  

传播学系也出版了一份 监狱文学学士期刊, which provides incarcerated 加州大学洛杉矶分校 students in Lancaster Prison the opportunity to publish their academic work and a chance to have their research and writing seen by others in our field of study - including students, 教师, 和研究人员. We hope that by creating a dialogue through the publication of this journal we can better address the problem of mass incarceration.

总而言之, 我们为虫胶提供的传播学学士课程感到自豪, 更重要的是, 我们学生的成功 100% program persistence rate after release from prison, and a zero recidivism rate to date.  监狱B.A. 毕业倡议改变了被监禁学生的生活, 假释的学生, 以及他们的家人, and it brings tremendous benefits to the Los Angeles County community.  以下是有关该计划的精选新闻:





