加州大学洛杉矶分校 Chamber 乐团

Classical Guitar Ensemble

The 加州大学洛杉矶分校 Classical Guitar Ensemble exists to serve students whose primary instrument is the classical guitar by developing and amplifying their talents through practice and performance opportunities on and off campus. 

The classical guitar ensemble performs a wide range of music from Baroque to Contemporary repertoire as well as music of Latin America.  The ensemble not only performs each term as a course requirement, it has become a favorite source of music for events. The 加州大学洛杉矶分校 Classical Guitar Ensemble is also the Gohar & Ovanes Andriassian Guitar Festival Ensemble, each year performing works by the festival composition competition winners. In 2018 the guitar ensemble initiated a European Tour, and with the generosity of many sponsors and the hard work of the members of the ensemble, toured and gave concerts in London, 罗马, 西西里, 和马耳他.

For more information on the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 Classical Guitar Ensemble please contact, Satik Andriassian

New 音乐 Ensemble

The New 音乐 Ensemble at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 serves to give students the opportunity to perform contemporary “non-commercial” music written by professional composers in a wide variety of genres and styles. The bulk of the repertoire is from the past 20 years, but it is possible that music from earlier in the 20th century may be programmed because it fits the theme of a specific concert. Because the makeup of the ensemble varies from semester to semester, repertoire will be chosen that best highlights students’ abilities and includes interesting and well-crafted music that will be enriching for both performers and audience, 都. Participants will sometimes perform in a medium other than their primary instrument or voice, doing things such as speaking, 唱歌, banging on things, 等.

For more information on the New 音乐 Ensemble please contact, 莎拉虚拟.

Exploration Ensemble

The Exploration Ensemble at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 celebrates diverse life experiences by presenting original productions by students that feature music, 跳舞, and theatre combined with commentary and visual images that explore particular themes often related to one of the 文学院 & 信 values; social justice. 

Previous productions have included “Andalusia: A Concert of Arabic, 西班牙系, and Spanish music” (to support students affected by the Muslim ban), “音乐 of American Immigration” (to support Dreamers after DACA was rescinded), and “音乐 of Protest” (against racism, 厌女症, and the war machine).  The Andalusia concert was also performed for an audience of a thousand at the historic Wilshire Boulevard Temple.  

For more information on the Exploration Ensemble please contact 贝弗利·斯坦


The 加州大学洛杉矶分校 长号合唱团 performs genres spanning from early Classical music through the music of today. We demonstrate that the trombone can be as delicate as the human voice and as powerful as a church organ. This group is open to all students. If you are interested in joining, please contact Professor MacIntyre!