质量问题 (QM) Resources



在CSU校长办公室的年度支持下,CETL很荣幸地赞助了CSU校园的 Quality Assurance (QA) program.


质量问题 Information

质量问题 (TM)

加州大学L.A., along with the CSU system is a 质量问题 (QM) subscriber. QM is a faculty-centered, 同行评审过程,旨在证明在线课程和在线组件的质量. QM因其以同行为基础的在线教育质量保证和持续改进而获得了全国的认可. More information on the 质量问题 Program can be found on their 网站.

QM offers FREE webinars called 质量管理的成功案例 给用户. 所有足彩外围网站的教师都可以创建一个与我们机构相关的免费QM帐户. For instructions on creating a MyQM account, please 点击这里. Our institution is listed as "California State University-Los Angeles" (no spaces). Please ensure you use your 加州大学洛杉矶分校 email address to create a QM account.  使用个人或非足彩外围网站电子邮件地址创建的帐户将被取消. 

The campus QM coordinator will verify your details and approve your account.

QM offers a variety of 研讨会 for faculty professional development below.

QM Workshop Offerings

免费一小时, 自定进度课程涵盖了质量问题(QM)的许多元素,是一个伟大的介绍,任何人谁是不熟悉的质量管理的起源, 进化, 和范围.  This course highlights factors that may affect the quality of online learning, and covers what it takes for a course to be QM-certified.  (免费)

Intended Audience: 教师, instructional designers, 部门的椅子, 以及其他不熟悉质量问题和/或想了解更多足彩外围网站质量管理课程评论的管理员. 

Click here to register for this workshop

This workshop explores the basic components of online course delivery.  与会者将了解传统的面对面学习和在线学习之间的差异, the instructor’s role in the online classroom, the importance of getting (and keeping) students engaged, and methods of facilitating online discussions using the discussion board.  参与者应该期望每周至少花费8-10个小时来成功完成这个为期两周的完全在线研讨会. (费用:200美元)


本次研讨会包括质量管理准则的概述,并为参与者提供了一个设计在线课程计划的框架. 研讨会的一个组成部分是探索质量管理准则的八个通用标准, focusing on learning objectives and overall course alignment.  Participants will complete a Module Planning Worksheet to design one module of an online course. The worksheet includes course and module learning objectives, assessments that align with the learning objectives, instructional materials that support the learning objectives and activities, and tools and media that enhance student interaction with classmates, 内容, 还有老师.  参与者每周将花费大约8-10个小时来成功完成这个为期两周的完全在线研讨会. (Cost: FREE through the CSU Online Course Services Program). 


Intended Audience: 教师 who have already taught face-to-face, and are interested in designing a fully online course. 

本次研讨会探讨了质量管理准则中的八个通用标准,并提供了一个构建混合课程的框架. While QM recognizes that each institution will define "blended" in its own way, this framework will work with any combination of face-to-face and online elements. 参与者使用质量管理准则来审查关键的混合元素,并制定课程开发计划.  参与者每周将花费大约8-10个小时来成功完成这个为期两周的完全在线研讨会. (费用:150美元)


Intended Audience: 教师 who have already taught face-to-face, and are interested in designing a hybrid course. 

质量管理的旗舰研讨会,足彩外围网站质量管理准则和使用质量管理准则审查在线/混合课程的过程. It is intended for a broad audience, 包括教师, instructional designers, 管理员, 以及希望更多了解在线和混合/混合课程设计质量考虑因素的兼职教师.  在为期两周的时间里,参加完全在线版本的研讨会的参与者应该至少花15-20个小时参加活动.  (Cost: FREE through the CSU Online Course Services Program). 

Intended Audience: 教师, instructional designers, and 管理员 who are interested in learning about the rubric and/or evaluating online/hybrid courses; faculty who are interested in QM certification; faculty who are interested in becoming a QM peer reviewer. This workshop is a required prerequisite to become a formal QM reviewer. 

本次研讨会探讨了质量管理准则,并提供了一个提高在线课程质量的框架. 参与者使用质量管理标准来审查自己现有的在线课程,并制定课程改进计划. 内容是基于基本的具体审查标准的质量事项标题. Participants come away with a plan for course improvement.  在参加本次研讨会之前,参与者必须有一个预先开发的在线/混合课程. (Cost: FREE through the CSU Online Course Services Program). 

If taken through 质量问题, the workshop fee is $150. CSU Online Course Services offers this workshop to CSU instructors for free or a reduced fee. For information on CSU workshop dates and registration, please check their 网站.  


同行评审课程旨在为有经验的在线教师提供质量管理认证的同行评审. 本课程包括对质量问题和质量管理准则的基本原则的回顾. 除了, over the three-week period, participants apply Specific Review Standards to a sample online course (i.e.找到证据,根据证据做出决定,并撰写有用的建议). 最后, 参与者使用他们的新技能集来完成在线课程的实践审查,使用来自质量管理标准的八个具体审查标准. 这项“实践评审”任务在质量管理课程评审管理系统(CRMS)中完成,质量管理认证的同行评审人员在实际的课程评审中使用该系统. Unlike other QM 研讨会, 本课程有明确的作业截止日期,必须遵守这些日期才能顺利完成本课程.

目标受众:有兴趣成为CSU系统或全国质量管理同行审稿人的教师. 质量管理的应用质量问题准则(APPQMR)研讨会是参加本课程的必要先决条件. NOTE: There is a $220 cost payable to QM to take this course. 本课程仅通过质量问题提供,不通过CSU系统提供.

QA Training Opportunities

Someone taking QA training

The CSU Chancellor's Office offers training for CSU faculty. 请按此 for additional information on training 研讨会 and dates.



For more information on previous QA efforts, please see our annual QA ePortfolios which report on our yearly progress:

了解更多有关 CSU's Online Course Services Program (formerly Quality Assurance program).